Package-level declarations


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fun createIconTextRow(screen: JochensNextDinnerScreen, context: Context, onScreenClick: (JochensNextDinnerScreen) -> Unit, showLongDescription: Boolean)

Composable function for creating an IconTextRow. It creates an IconTextRow for a given screen. The text for the IconTextRow is determined based on the showLongDescription parameter. If showLongDescription is true, the long description is shown. Otherwise, the label is shown.

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fun IconTextRow(onClick: () -> Unit, iconId: Int, contentDescription: String, text: String, testTag: String)

Composable function for creating an IconTextRow. It creates an IconTextRow for a given screen.

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fun JochensNextDinnerApp(navController: NavHostController = rememberNavController(), navigationType: JndNavigationType)

Composable function for the JochensNextDinnerApp. It sets up the navigation for the app based on the navigation type.

Preview function for the JochensNextDinnerApp with bottom navigation. It wraps the JochensNextDinnerApp in the JochensNextDinnerTheme and sets the navigation type to BOTTOM_NAVIGATION.

Preview function for the JochensNextDinnerApp with drawer navigation. It wraps the JochensNextDinnerApp in the JochensNextDinnerTheme and sets the navigation type to PERMANENT_NAVIGATION_DRAWER.

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fun StartScreen(screens: List<JochensNextDinnerScreen> = JochensNextDinnerScreen.values().toList() .filter { it.inBottomBar }, onScreenClick: (JochensNextDinnerScreen) -> Unit, navigationType: JndNavigationType)

Composable function for the StartScreen. It displays clickable text and a list of IconTextRow items. The items are displayed in a column in portrait mode and in a row in landscape mode. The text for each item is determined based on the orientation and the navigation type. If the orientation is portrait or the navigation type is PERMANENT_NAVIGATION_DRAWER, the long description is shown. Otherwise, the label is shown.

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@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun StartScreenPreview()
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@Preview(showBackground = true, widthDp = 640, heightDp = 360)
fun StartScreenPreviewHorizontal()
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@Preview(showBackground = true, widthDp = 900, heightDp = 500)
fun StartScreenPreviewHorizontalBigScreen()