
interface CantEatDao

Data Access Object for the CantEat table. This class provides methods for interacting with the CantEat table in the database.


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abstract suspend fun delete(item: dbCantEat)

Delete a CantEat from the database.

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abstract fun getAllItems(): Flow<List<dbCantEat>>

Get all CantEats from the database. The CantEats are ordered by their names in ascending order.

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abstract fun getItem(name: String): Flow<dbCantEat>

Get a CantEat from the database by its name.

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abstract suspend fun insert(item: dbCantEat)

Insert a new CantEat into the database. If a CantEat with the same name already exists, it will be replaced.

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abstract suspend fun update(item: dbCantEat)

Update an existing CantEat in the database.