Package-level declarations
Interceptor for adding the API key to the network requests.
Interface for the application container. It contains the repositories for the application.
Implementation of the CantEatRepository interface. It uses a local database and a remote API for managing CantEat data.
Implementation of the LikeRepository interface. It uses a local database and a remote API for managing Like data.
Implementation of the RecipeRepository interface. It uses a local database and a remote API for managing Recipe data.
Interface for the CantEatRepository. It contains the methods for managing CantEat data.
Default implementation of the AppContainer interface. It sets up the network and database connections for the repositories.
Interface for the LikeRepository. It contains the methods for managing Like data.
Interface for the RecipeRepository. It contains the methods for managing Recipe data.
Call adapter that delegates to another call adapter and supports retrying API calls.
Factory for creating call adapters that support retrying API calls.