
data class Recipe(val localId: Long = 0, val serverId: String? = null, val slug: String, val title: String, val ingredients: List<String>, val optionalIngredients: List<String>, val herbs: List<String>, val steps: List<String>, val image: String?)

This class represents a Recipe entity.


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constructor(localId: Long = 0, serverId: String? = null, slug: String, title: String, ingredients: List<String>, optionalIngredients: List<String>, herbs: List<String>, steps: List<String>, image: String?)


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The herbs of the Recipe.

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The image of the Recipe.

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The ingredients of the Recipe.

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val localId: Long = 0

The local ID of the Recipe.

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The optional ingredients of the Recipe.

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val serverId: String? = null

The server ID of the Recipe.

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The slug of the Recipe.

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The steps of the Recipe.

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The title of the Recipe.


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Converts this Recipe to an ApiRecipe.

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Converts this Recipe to a dbRecipe.